The event is a half-day program being curated by Hospital Moinhos de Vento Cardiology Service along with our Institute of Research and Education. The event coordinators are: Carisi Anne Polanczyk, Eduardo Saadi, Orlando Wender, Marco Wainstein, Rogério Sarmento-Leite. We would be delighted if you share with us your views on transcatheter treatment of mitral regurgitation in patients with heart failure.
Day 1; Tuesday November 10th, 2020
7:00 pm - Opening
Carisi Anne Polanczyk (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Luis A. Nasi (Porto Alegre, Brazil
7:10 pm - Session 1:
Valvular Disease Scenario and Functional Mitral Regurgitation Solutions
Chairmen: Marco Wainstein (Porto Alegre, Brazil) & Pedro Lemos (São Paulo, Brazil)
Digital Moderator: Rodrigo Wainstein (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Clinical perspectives and patterns of valvular heart diseases (25 min)
Presenter: Flavio Tarasoutchi (São Paulo, Brazil)
Role of transcatheter treatment of mitral regurgitation in patients with heart failure (25 min)
Presenter: Gregg Stone (New York , USA)
Panel Discussion (20 min)
Luiz E. Rohde (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Marciane Rover (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Luis Beck (Porto Alegre, Brazil); Felipe H. Valle (Porto Alegre, Brazil); Renato Kalil (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
8:20 pm - Session 2:
Novel Technologies and Case Review
Chairmen: Rogério Sarmento-Leite (Porto Alegre, Brazil) & Eduardo Saadi (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Digital Moderator: André Manica (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
New catheter-based options for mitral and tricuspid diseases (25 min)
Presenter: Scott Lim (Charlotesville, USA)
Clinical Case Presentation (25 min)
Presenter: Fabio Brito (São Paulo, Brazil)
Panel Discussion (20 min)
Andréia Biolo (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Carisi Polanczyk (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Orlando Wender (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Roberto Mayer (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Marcelo Milloranza (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Take Home Message (10 min)
Marco Wainstein (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Day 2; Wednesday November 11th, 2020
7:00 pm - Session 3:
Future perspectives
Chairmen: Orlando Wender (Porto Alegre, Brazil) & Eduardo Saadi (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Digital Moderator: Luis Carlos Bergoli (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
The next steps in structural heart disease (25 min)
Presenter: RÜDIGER LANGE (Germany)
TAVI for the low and intermediate risk patients (25 min)
Presenter EBERHARD GRUBE (Germany)
Panel Discussion (20 min)
Carlos Delmar (Porto Alegre, Brazil); Miguel Gus (Porto Alegre, Brazil); Paulo Prates (Porto Alegre, Brazil); Felipe Fuchs (Porto Alegre, Brazil) ; Diogo Centenaro (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
8:10 pm - Session 4:
Imaging and Aortic Stenosis Revolution
Chairmen: Alexandre Abizaid (São Paulo, Brazil) , Marco Wainstein (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Digital Moderator: Sandro Cadaval (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Interventional Imaging for Structural Heart Disease: Challenges and New Frontiers of an Emerging Multi-disciplinary Field (25min)
Presenter: João Cavalcante (Mineapolis, USA)
TAVI today and tomorrow (25 min)
Presenter: MARTIN LEON (New York , USA)
Panel Discussion (20 min)
Luis Nasi (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Antônio Pinotti (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Paulo Schawrtzam (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Fabio Brito (São Paulo, Brazil), Murilo Foppa (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Take Home Message and closing (10 min)
Rogerio Sarmento-Leite (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Eduardo Saadi (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Marco Wainstein (Porto Alegre, Brazil)
Orlando Wender (Porto Alegre, Brazil)